Tag Archives: Christian
This I Believe
This I Believe is arguably going to be next big song from Hillsong Church, sung widely across churches of all denominations.
Content Updates (Church & Technology)
With over a year’s experience in managing the content of XBOP via WordPress, I have now switched on the subscriber function of WordPress! Within the space of a few days I seem to have gained subscribers! Thank you to my Continue ReadingContent Updates (Church & Technology)
Hillsong Conference 2014: No Other Name
This week has been Hillsong Conference 2014: No Other Name, one of the largest events in the annual life of the Australian Christian community. Timed every year during the first week of July, 2014 marks their 28th conference. Championing the cause Continue ReadingHillsong Conference 2014: No Other Name
Social Causes – Update
Recently at Clayton Church, a major theme has been discipleship. It’s not just a theme for a season, but it’s becoming part of our DNA. Indeed, This is Who We Are has been our most recent series of sermons being Continue ReadingSocial Causes – Update
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