a spring week…

[Post migrated from LiveJournal] Friday Night Focus @ Debbie’s Combined U-groups with JC/MC some highlights: 1. Angels & Assassins 2. finally playing Killer Uno [satisfaction rating: 8.5/10] Saturday Morning: Eureka work… fixed bug/data cleansing [satisfaction rating: 8/10] Late morning: shopping @ Continue Readinga spring week…

I won the footy tips!

[Post migrated from LiveJournal] MOOD:  jubilant It’s official! I won this year’s footy tipping competition! That means that I’ve just won $240!!! As a result, I’m donating the proceeds towards OVERFLOW 06 – the Gravitate/Church camp which I’m helping to organise. Continue ReadingI won the footy tips!

40-Hour Famine: 1.5 hours transpired

 [Post migrated from LiveJournal] MOOD:  full – so NOT hungry This is a quick first post on my 2006 40-HOUR Famine journey. Before the fast: An office social breakfast. Where: At Cafe 434 (434 St Kilda Rd) Group: 4 of us, from Continue Reading40-Hour Famine: 1.5 hours transpired

I wish I had a banana tree

  [Post migrated from LiveJournal] LOCATION: @ work MOOD:  cheerful Well, this past weekend was a little different due to XBOP work… Friday night @ FOCUS The highlight = meeting two new people – both from interstate – Adel & Perth. Worship Continue ReadingI wish I had a banana tree